Professionalism and Accountability
"Part of professionalism is accountability, accountability to your actions and the outcomes of those actions." Mary Ann McLaughlin Ed.D., RN This is my tag line and I say it to my students all of the time. I really try to have students understand professionalism and accountability. I feel this is a very useful life lesson for them as future nurses. I feel they need to understand why it is so important for them to act in a manner conducive to being a professional nurse each day. Nurse need to make decisions for their patients each and every day. But what happens after we make those decisions? The answer is that the patient then experiences the effects of our decisions. I tell students even if the situation does not turn out the way we hope, we are still accountable to the outcomes of our actions. Yes, we can say I learned from this situation and will know better next time. However, saying this does not era...