The Second Pillar of Professionalism - Autonomy


Copyrighted by Mary Ann Siciliano McLaughlin Ed.D., RN, 2017


2. Autonomy, as defined by the AACN (2008), is "the right to self-determination".  I believe this right to self-determination relates to self-determination by both the patient and the nurse. 

As nurses, we need to actively listen to our patients to ensure we know their wishes and respect their decisions.  This pillar includes nurses respecting the patients’ rights to make decisions about their healthcare (AACN, 2008) and, I believe, supporting those decisions.  I believe that nurses and nursing students showing respect for their patients’ decisions about their healthcare treatment leads to the actualization of a high-level of responsibility.  

I view autonomy as being related to teaching the students how to be autonomous in their decisions as nurses. Therefore, this pillar results in good decision-making on the part of the nursing student.  This trait is evaluated as evidenced by critical thinking skills and clinical judgment in the clinical settings by student nurses.  I feel it is imperative that we teach nursing students to be autonomous nurses in the future.  

As always, I welcome feedback and comments.  Thank you. 


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